Bien Vieillir ! Bien Bouger ! Bien Manger ! Chez Soi !

Une action de prévention pluriprofessionnelle centrée sur les occupations

Aging Well! Moving Well! Eating Well! At Home!

A multi-professional prevention action focused on occupations

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Summary :

The evolution of demography, the health system and pathologies requires highlighting new skills in order to evolve from a curative professional practice to a preventive practice to which all professionals can contribute. In 2017, the answer to a call for projects for preventive actions by health facilities “Prévention hors les murs par les établissements de santé” allowed the multipro-fessional team of the Geriatric Day Hospital of the La Rochefoucauld hospital to provide paramedical skills to an elderly popula-tion with close proximity with the aim of : “Aging well! Moving well! Eating well ! At home!”. A milestone confirms us in the interest of making available our skills for prevention actions among the elderly. But is it enough to propose punctual actions to engage in a change of behavior among them in their daily lives ?

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Article rédigé par :
  • Brigitte Devanneaux

    Ergothérapeute cadre de santé
    Centre hospitalier de La Rochefoucauld (16110)

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